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Travel Tips

Well, I haven't gone on a trip in a month and I got the itch! Haha! I am making the long journey to... SINGAPORE! For those of you that don't know, my sister, Taylor, accepted a new job with an Indian based company in January and she now lives in Singapore. I booked my flight 2 weeks ago and now my long journey begins.

I have heard so many good things about Singapore! Taylor has really enjoyed it so far and we are excited to do a little exploring. We will be able to play golf while I'm in town too, which we always enjoy. If you have any recommendations on where to eat or places to see let me know!

With this trip being so long, it made me think that I haven't really shared any of my travel tips... I'm no expert by any means, but I do have a lot of experience. I have missed flights, forgotten things, and definitely had my bag in the "heavy" category. BUT there a few things that I make sure I always do when traveling to make the trip that much easier!

1. Wear closed-toed shoes: This one sounds crazy but I follow this rule religiously while traveling. There aren't many things worse than having a suitcase (yours or someone else's) roll over your toe... Never making that mistake again. Or the famous "running through the airport to catch your next flight" maneuver that we have all had to pull. Do your self a favor and leave the flip flops at home or in the suitcase.

2. Wear your heaviest item: This one is key in the winter. Boots and big jackets are way too heavy/ bulky for the checked suitcase. Wear them on the plane or bring them in your carry on to maximize suitcase space.

3. Carry on: I always bring a carry on that includes a few very important items!

1. Hand Sanitizer: This one is self explanatory but no one wants to get sick while traveling.

2. Nuun: This is an electrolyte tablet that can help you stay hydrated while traveling. Drinking water and hydrating will help you fight jet leg and give you plenty of energy for your trip.

3. Entertainment: I bring headphones and a book with me everywhere I go. It really makes the time go faster and makes traveling a lot less stressful.

4. Fly one airline: If you are traveling a longer distance or overseas- try to book a flight with a familiar airline. This will allow you to get points or rewards for your miles flown. Flying with a familiar airline also makes traveling less stressful because you know what to expect and have a sense of the services and operation.

5. Airport food: It is always so tempting for me to make poor food choices in the airport! It seems like there are unhealthy options everywhere you look. Try to shift your mindset and think about what your body needs! Nutrients will help make you feel better and more energized to endure the stresses of traveling. I like to eat small throughout the day instead of big meals. Having a good breakfast is important and as the day goes on try to find snacks like banana, nuts or salads to keep your blood sugar up and to maintain your energy.

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