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3 steps to a Happy, Healthy, Purposeful 2018

Well, 2018 is here! I have never been one to make a New Year's resolution but I do think we can all make a shift in mindset, habits or behaviors to allow us to live happy, healthy and purposeful. I am making it a priority to become a better person in a few different aspects. There are a few things I am looking forward to trying in 2018!

Shift your mindset

One thing I am always struggling with is making healthy choices on the go. I travel a lot and sometimes its easier to choose the fast food than it is to choose the healthy option. As I have become more aware of my habits in the past year, my relationship with food is very emotional. So, when I travel I look for comfort foods instead of the best food to fuel my body. I am looking forward to shifting my mindset and trying to choose foods that will help nourish my body.

Healthy choices go beyond food. I always try to add in reading or a good podcast to my travel routine. This will help keep you motivated and allow you to grow as a person. Making healthy choices can sometimes seem overwhelming but I think by starting small you will really see a big change.

Control the controllable

To me, happiness has a lot to do with mindset. One of my goals for the new year is to focus more on my personal happiness and not compare myself to others. Everyone will have a different path which is great! When we start comparing our path to others' it leads to a feeling of being inadequate. You start to doubt your own journey if you are too focused on others. I am going to focus on controlling what I can and letting go of the rest. Having confidence and faith in yourself will really play a big role in your overall happiness.

Make it a priority to give

In 2018 I am going to do more to give back. Looking back at last year, I realized I gave back when it was convenient. I am going to make it a priority to help those in need. Obviously not everyone has the finances to give back in that way but there are so many other opportunities. Find a way to make time and make an impact in the life of others. Living purposefully is about making choices to do something bigger than yourself. Giving back always changes my perspective and it is a great way to help you find your purpose.

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